The obstacles that kept coming up was patience, and time. Since I had club volleyball, club soccer, and a couple of school sports in the mix the heavy duty work like removing wallpaper and painting was delayed until end of May. Even so painting took a lot more time then we thought. We worked two weekends, and every night in between for a couple of hours. We ended up needing to do more then one coat on the feature wall, and countless touch ups all over the room. This took a lot of patience since I knew time was running out. There were times I was getting frustrated, especially since I was running off of little to no sleep from not being able to sleep in my room.
Overall I am still very happy with what I was capable of doing and learning. Mickey Mouse no longer remains on my walls anymore which I didn't think would ever happen. Everything is back in place, my artwork is completed, pictures I want are printed off, I just need to find a home for them. Image excited to see my room now, and every time I enter I tend to just look at it for a few minutes and admire what I was able to get done. I still plan on finishing my room no doubt, but with patience so it turns out just right! I learned many things that include, how to remove wallpaper, edging is very important, take your time and it will turn out better, different styles of art and there's probably even more.
While doing this project especially when doing my artwork a verse that I often liked to read was from 1 Corinthians 10:31 which read "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God". To further connect my faith the through line that I thought would fit best is Beauty-Creating. God is the number one creator, and we reflect him when we create.
Tonight I plan on doing some finishing touches, possibly being able to hang up my pictures if I figure out a layout I like, and blogging a before I started and after what I accomplished pictures. Overall I'm glad I had the opportunity to do this project, and I wouldn't change anything about what I did and decided.
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