Monday, 10 March 2014


One of my goals for this project includes making a wall of memories. So far what I've been mainly working on is cleaning my room so it will be nice and tidy for the future when I'm ready to paint. But as I've been sifting through different bins and drawers I've come across many items that trigger memories of the past. Whether its photos, notes, schoolwork, or an old yearbook, I tend to stop and reminisce on the memory. The process of cleaning my room has been taking even longer, since I didn't think this would happen as often as it has.
I had the idea of making a photo wall and wasn't quite sure on how I was going to execute it. Now that I've been coming across many items that bring back great memories, I decided instead of just a photo wall it would be a wall of memories. My original thought was to just find random photos and do the typical teenage "tumblr room decor" but I've changed that thought into childhood photos and favourite memories that will be hung up.
When researching on different decor ideas I came across many different examples. One photo that I found that I think fits the idea for my room I have in mind is perfect. It'll display the photos and memories perfectly and just the way I would like.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have had a great start to your project, Alyssa! I really like the fact you have such a solid foundation to your project because this will make it much easier to build on. Your visuals help viewers better understand your plan and leaves us curious as to what your final product will turn out to be. The idea of memories is fantastic, would you like to include memories from your friends as well as your family on your wall?
